Make no mistake! These elegant Elven bows and arrows are fully functioning, tried and tested bows. Ideal for LARP enthusiasts, archers, and collectors. Most other Elven warriors are very similar to Legolas, they are phenomenal archers and most are “Wood-elves”, meaning that their magical Elf Kingdoms are typically tucked away in some remote corner of an enchanted wood.Ī brings you a fine line of Elven bows enabling you to bring your fantasy to life. He wields his mighty Elven bow and arrow with unrivaled skill. One of the first archetypal Elf warriors is Legolas, from J.R.R. Many an Elf has been drawn to the Elven bow and arrow for hunting and in times of war.

With their keen eyesight, nerves of steel and cat-like reflexes, they are natural archers. Legolas brings the wisdom of his over 5 centuries of life (considered young for an Elf), a keen sense of evil and amazing skill with the bow and arrow.The Elves are quite renowned in many lands for their masterful skills in archery. Legolas was charged to bring this news to the Council of Elrond at Rivendell and was there chosen to represent the race of elves in their journey to destroy The One Ring. One day a band of orcs coordinated a rescue killing Gollum's elven guard. The kind-hearted elves could not bear to keep any creature locked-up indefinitely, so they began to allow him freedom to climb trees. After capturing Gollum, Gandalf had him imprisoned in Thranduil's royal dwelling. Legolas, son of Thranduil, King of the Elves of Mirkwood, belongs to the royal line of Sindarin Elves. How Legolas Greenleaf enters the Fellowship of the Ring I just received my package from you guys today and i just want to sincerely thank you for almost 3 years of great service and quality products and a special thanks to you customer service rep Stacy, her warm and kind attitude makes your website a wonderful and quality experience Use keywords to find the product you are looking for.